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На фото: маленькая отдельно стоящая хозпостройка в современном стиле с мастерской для на участке и в саду
Studio Shed - Live Large.  Build Small.
Studio Shed - Live Large. Build Small.
Средний рейтинг: 4.5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 42 Смотреть профиль

10x12 Americana Photographer's Studio

10x12 Studio Shed home office - Lifestyle Interior plus our added height option. The standard height of most models is 8'6" but you can choose to add 1 or even 2 extra feet of ceiling height. Our small kit "Pinyon" sits perpendicular to the office, holding garden tools and other supplies in a 4x8 footprint. The concrete pad, which extends to serve as the interior floor as well, was poured and stained by the home owner once the design phase of his project was complete.

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Tara Paul добавил(а) это в Exterior24 июля 2024 г.

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