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Eldorado Stone
Eldorado Stone
Средний рейтинг: 4.4 из 5 звездОтзывов: 42 Смотреть профиль

Stone Archway

Scheurer Architects and Keller Homes designed a beautiful, award-winning community on a mountainous site located just outside Colorado Springs, Colorado. Their goal was to create something special by presenting fresh, new site plans within the local housing market while remaining sensitive to the traditions and benefits of rustic, mountain living. In order to remain true to the area in which the property is located, they made a joint effort to maintain the simple warmth and agricultural base found in the surrounding communities. Three unique floor plans and living space designs were developed and had an average 2,667 square feet in size, with 2 bedrooms/2 bathrooms and full basements. There was a focus on indoor and outdoor living, reminiscent of historic village homes that were organized in clusters to maximize space, preserve views, and encourage spending time in nature. Since the land was originally occupied by a dairy farm, the dynamic teams found existing stone on an old barn as well as retaining walls and wanted to incorporate these old stones into their new design. However, that meant that they needed to find just the right stone for the homes in an effort to blend the existing stone not only with the new stone, but also with stone that was being used for landscaping purposes. Eldorado’s blend of Fieldledge and Hillstone combined with the custom overgrout technique added the authenticity that the project called for. Eldorado Stone Profile Featured: Meseta Fieldledge with a custom mortar technique Eldorado Stone Profile Featured: Meseta Fieldledge with a custom mortar technique Architect: Dennis Danahay, Chris Rost, Scheurer Architects, Newport Beach, California Builder: Keller Homes, Colorado Springs, CO Website: www.kellerhomes.com Colorist: Ann Matteson, Ann Matteson Consulting, Newport Beach, CA Website: www.annmattesonconsulting.com Distributor: C&C Sand and Stone Company, Colorado Springs, CO Website: www.ccsand.com