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Идея дизайна: огромный, двухэтажный, бежевый частный загородный дом в стиле фьюжн с облицовкой из самана, вальмовой крышей и черепичной крышей
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Spanish Colonial Adobe Restoration/Renovation

The south courtyard was re-landcape with specimen cacti selected and curated by the owner, and a new hardscape path was laid using flagstone, which was a customary hardscape material used by Robert Evans. The arched window was originally an exterior feature under an existing stairway; the arch was replaced (having been removed during the 1960s), and a arched window added to "re-enclose" the space. Several window openings which had been covered over with stucco were uncovered, and windows fitted in the restored opening. The small loggia was added, and provides a pleasant outdoor breakfast spot directly adjacent to the kitchen. Design Architect: Gene Kniaz, Spiral Architect; General Contractor: Eric Linthicum, Linthicum Custom Builders

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Spanish conolioal, stucco walls, dry plants, arch windows and doors.