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Пример оригинального дизайна: двухэтажный, зеленый дом в морском стиле

House on a Point

The site for this residence is the bowl of a retired gravel pit on a quiet coastal peninsula. The orientation invites southern sun into all the principal spaces, while the slope of the pit is used as a berm against northerly winter winds. A principal goal was to create a sequence of rooms that presented volumetric complexity, while providing a constant play between interior and exterior exposure. At times, the view to the outside is framed and limited; at other points along the way, the corners of the rooms are opened fully to invite in the world outside. Photos by Brian Vanden Brink.
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evgenya53 добавил(а) это в PEI Cottage Exteriors14 марта 2021 г.

Blending a bit with landscape