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Свежая идея для дизайна: большой, трехэтажный, деревянный, желтый дом в викторианском стиле с двускатной крышей - отличное фото интерьера
Old Saratoga Restorations Incorporated
Old Saratoga Restorations Incorporated
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Ghent NY home restoration

This project was a tribute to the vision and optimism of the owners. This once-glorious home was so far gone that many people would have taken the easy path -tear it down and start over. Instead, the family hired Old Saratoga Restorations to save every original bit of material that could be salvaged and rebuild the home to its previous grandeur. OSR gutted the interior and reinvented it based on the archaeological evidence for this home restoration. They added a new kitchen and bathrooms with high-end fixtures, custom-cabinetry and top-of-the-line appliances. Outside, everything from the siding and trim to the dilapidated cupola on top needed to be replaced with duplicates.