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Стильный дизайн: отдельная столовая среднего размера в стиле шебби-шик с бежевыми стенами, темным паркетным полом и коричневым полом без камина - последний тренд
Tweak Your Space
Tweak Your Space
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 94 Смотреть профиль

Coastal Living Residence

Keeping with the coastal feel of the rest of the home, we painted this room a nice wheat color and installed tall, crisp, white wainscoting with a shelf for the homeowners to keep sea shells. Then we took their existing dining table, painted it white, and slipcovered their chairs with white linen fabric. Above the table we hung an antique crystal chandelier and painted the homeowners' sideboard white to complete the look.