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На фото: маленькая двухуровневая гостиная комната в скандинавском стиле с белыми стенами, бетонным полом, печью-буржуйкой, фасадом камина из металла, серым полом, сводчатым потолком и стенами из вагонки для на участке и в саду с


Believe it or not, this was one of the cleanest the job was in a long time. The cabin was pretty tiny so not much room left when it was stocked with all of our materaisl that needed cover. But underneath it all, you can see the minimalistic pine bench. I loved how our 2 step finish made all of the grain and color pop without being shiny. Price of steel skyrocketed just before this but still wasn't too bad, especially compared to the stone I had planned before. Installed the steel plate hearth for the wood stove. Took some hunting but found a minimalistic modern wood stove. Was a little worried when client insisted on wood stove because most are so traditional and dated looking. Love the square edges, straight lines. Wood stove disappears into the black background. Originally I had planned a massive stone gas fireplace and surround and was disappointed when client wanted woodstove. But after redeisign was pretty happy how it turned out. Got that minimal streamlined rustic farmhouse look I was going for. The cubby holes are for firewood storage. 2 step finish method. 1st coat makes grain and color pop (you should have seen how bland it looked before) and final coat for protection.