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Солнечная энергия Limerick, PA.

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Limerick / 50 km
115 из 25 экспертов
25 Professionals

Солнечная энергия Limerick, PA. – избранные отзывы

Moore Energy
Солнечная энергия Limerick, PA.
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд20 октября 2023 г.
“I have received many different estimates from solar company's, national and local. What I loved the most was no pressure and catchy sales pitch. Trevor was the man. He walking me through all the steps. He communicated with me every level. I know, I was not going to get that with them national solar companies. Installation crew were professional, neat and clean. Even when the peco teams came out, they looked at the system and commended their work. I don't know about you but that means a lot to me. My system is working better then what I expected. Moore’s service, installation, and professionalism is why I hired them. Special shout out to Trevor again for all he did for me. I am not a easy man Quick story, a neighbor had solar installed weeks before me from a national company. Yes, I called them and everything sounded great. They are still not up and running. They had issues with installation, peco and the township. I have been up and running for weeks. Long story short….that saying ….Stay local, keep it local. Well there is a reason for that! I would highly recommend Moore’s Energy LLC.”
Stokes Solar
Солнечная энергия Limerick, PA.
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд27 февраля 2016 г.
“Excellent solid solar installation with battery backup system. Good pricing and local company that warranties installation. One roof mount and one ground mount system tied together.”
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