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Художники, ремесленники и художественные мастерские Mell, Co. Louth, Ирландия.

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Художники, ремесленники и художественные мастерские Mell, Co. Louth, Ирландия. – избранные отзывы

Cathriona Cleary Artist
Художники, ремесленники и художественные мастерские Mell, Co. Louth, Ирландия.
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд24 мая 2017 г.
“I have some pieces by Cathriona hanging in my home. They are absolutely beautiful pieces, with the vibrant colors and abstract designs, they compliment my home perfectly. They are often a topic of conversation if I have visitors, which I love. Cathriona is a very talented artist, and I will be coming to buy more work soon :-).”
Художники, ремесленники и художественные мастерские Mell, Co. Louth, Ирландия.
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд26 сентября 2019 г.
“We couldn't recommend Junila highly enough. He is an extraordinarily talented man and he work was completed to the highest standard. He designed and painted a beautiful mural for a school library and the children and staff alike are mesmorised by it. It has greatly enhanced our school.”
Donna McGee Fine Art
Художники, ремесленники и художественные мастерские Mell, Co. Louth, Ирландия.
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд13 июня 2018 г.
“I first purchased one of Donna's paintings in 2012. Since then I have added 2 more to my collection of seascapes by Donna. I love all three. They really lift my spirits when I come into the room where they hang. They give me the closest feeling to actually standing staring out to sea, listening to the gulls and the splashing of the waves. The colour and texture in the paintings are so life like I just know I'll never ever tire of them. I can't wait to add to my collection and my next purchase will be one of her fabulous new abstract paintings. Then I'll have to move house as I will have run out of Walls!!”
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