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Vinomagna Wine Cellars
Vinomagna Wine Cellars
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 9 Смотреть профиль

White Wine Cellar

This white wine cellar incorporated an oak timber finish and stone shelving. Soft LED strip and spot lighting add an abundance of subtle brightness. Such details allow the space to open up what was once a head height restricted basement space. The initial challenge of this white wine cellar project was the total floor to ceiling height of only 2m. Given that the original space showed signs of damp and water ingress, the Structural waterproofing was a key consideration. Ventilation was and is an additional must for any basement custom wine cellar project. Ventilation is also a building control requirement in a usable basement space. Within the design, it will additionally remove any surface moisture build up from dew point temperature condensation.
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