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Идея дизайна: двухэтажный, кирпичный, белый дуплекс среднего размера в классическом стиле с вальмовой крышей, черепичной крышей, серой крышей и отделкой доской с нащельником
Archimple LLC
Archimple LLC
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 3 Смотреть профиль


This traditional corner-lot house boasts classic features like wide-open porches and a tall, pointed gables roof. With two floors and two garages, it's perfect for a single-family. A screened front porch offers a shady entrance, while inside, you'll find a luxurious living space, a modern kitchen with an island, and a cozy breakfast nook. The first floor includes a master bedroom and bathroom, two additional rooms, and another bathroom. Natural light floods the interior, and a deck adds functional outdoor space. Overall, it's an economical yet elegant option with three user-friendly living quarters.
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