Столовая в стиле лофт с желтым полом – фото дизайна интерьера
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Integrated Home Improvement
We painted the cabinets, installed the brick veneer, installed the Edison light, painted all the trim and doors throughout the house, and also installed new faucets in all the bathrooms.
Made of Wood
Rehabilitación de un almacen para convertirse en cantina
На фото: маленькая отдельная столовая в стиле лофт с белыми стенами, бетонным полом, желтым полом, деревянным потолком и кирпичными стенами для на участке и в саду
На фото: маленькая отдельная столовая в стиле лофт с белыми стенами, бетонным полом, желтым полом, деревянным потолком и кирпичными стенами для на участке и в саду
Integrated Home Improvement
We painted the cabinets, installed the brick veneer, installed the Edison light, painted all the trim and doors throughout the house, and also installed new faucets in all the bathrooms.
Integrated Home Improvement
We painted the cabinets, installed the brick veneer, installed the Edison light, painted all the trim and doors throughout the house, and also installed new faucets in all the bathrooms.
Integrated Home Improvement
We painted the cabinets, installed the brick veneer, installed the Edison light, painted all the trim and doors throughout the house, and also installed new faucets in all the bathrooms.
Integrated Home Improvement
We painted the cabinets, installed the brick veneer, installed the Edison light, painted all the trim and doors throughout the house, and also installed new faucets in all the bathrooms.
Столовая в стиле лофт с желтым полом – фото дизайна интерьера