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Идея дизайна: коридор среднего размера в стиле лофт с полом из терраццо и серым полом
Emil Eve Architects
Emil Eve Architects
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 7 Смотреть профиль

St John Street

A sensitive remodelling of a Victorian warehouse apartment in Clerkenwell. The design juxtaposes historic texture with contemporary interventions to create a rich and layered dwelling. Our clients' brief was to reimagine the apartment as a warm, inviting home while retaining the industrial character of the building. We responded by creating a series of contemporary interventions that are distinct from the existing building fabric. Each intervention contains a new domestic room: library, dressing room, bathroom, ensuite and pantry. These spaces are conceived as independent elements, lined with bespoke timber joinery and ceramic tiling to create a distinctive atmosphere and identity to each.
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Renee добавил(а) это в Mudroom12 мая 2024 г.

Terrazzo for floor