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186 Lighting Design Group - Gregg Mackell
186 Lighting Design Group - Gregg Mackell
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 24 Смотреть профиль

Midwest Art Condo

What better way to light an art collector's hallway than to light everything. With the potential for art to get lost in the shadow of an opaque piece, light must come from multiple directions. By edge-lighting the glass shelves, the pieces are provided with a soft under-light, but also give an illuminated edge providing a reflection to give the pieces sparkle. Miniature downlights are recessed into the lids of each display shelf while the base of each display glows with an LED light panel which backlights a frosted glass shelf. The offset door casing was softly backlit to reveal the bold color of the walls. Recessed adjustable downlights are hidden from view by periodic beams crossing the ceiling plane. With layer after layer of light all painstakingly integrated into the interiors and architecture, this space has the function and presence of an art museum in a residential setting. Photography: Raul Garcia Astula Architecture: Miles Architecure Interiors: Sheri Williams