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Стильный дизайн: двор на заднем дворе в классическом стиле без защиты от солнца - последний тренд

Hyde Park Residence

In Hyde Park, a gracious 1904 masonry home, originally designed by highly-regarded architect Henry Van Doren Shaw, underwent a major 4,000 sf restoration and renovation. The endeavor consisted of the restoration of 64 windows, installation of the Hopes “Thermal Evolution Technology” steel window system on the rear of the home, chimney flue repair and lining, floor repair and refinishing, new kitchen and pantry by Parenti & Rafaelli, slate roof replacement as well as electrical, plumbing and design-build HVAC replacement. Architect/Designer: Gary Lee Partners Photography: Jacob Hand Photography
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jersey25 добавил(а) это в outside project14 ноября 2022 г.

basement windows/upper windows