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Стильный дизайн: двухэтажный дом в современном стиле - последний тренд
LaRue Architects
LaRue Architects
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 29 Смотреть профиль

House on the Corner

Hovering over the sloping corner of a wooded lot, this hill country contemporary house provides privacy from the street below yet thoughtfully frames views of the surrounding hills. This glass house mixes interior and exterior spaces while drawing attention to the inviting pool in which intimately engages the house. Published: Vetta Homes, January-March 2015 - https://issuu.com/vettamagazine/docs/homes_issue1 Luxe interiors + design, Austin + Hill Country Edition, Fall 2013 Photo Credit: Dror Baldinger
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ericheim82 добавил(а) это в ericheim82's ideas24 августа 2022 г.

Garage off to right away from house