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На фото: одноэтажный частный загородный дом среднего размера в стиле модернизм с облицовкой из металла, крышей-бабочкой и белой крышей
Robert M. Cain, Architect
Robert M. Cain, Architect
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 11 Смотреть профиль

Holly Hill House

Holly Hill, a retirement home, whose owner's hobbies are gardening and restoration of classic cars, is nestled into the site contours to maximize views of the lake and minimize impact on the site. Holly Hill is comprised of three wings joined by bridges: A wing facing a master garden to the east, another wing with workshop and a central activity, living, dining wing. Similar to a radiator the design increases the amount of exterior wall maximizing opportunities for natural ventilation during temperate months.