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Lara Hontzias Interior Design
Lara Hontzias Interior Design
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 10 Смотреть профиль

Discovery Ridge

This home was a total renovation overhaul! I started working with this wonderful family a couple of years ago on the exterior and it grew from there! Exterior, full main floor, full upper floor and bonus room all renovated by the time we were done. The addition of wood beams, hardwood flooring and brick bring depth and warmth to the house. We added a lot of different lighting throughout the house. Lighting for art, accent and task lighting - there is no shortage now. Herringbone and diagonal tile bring character along with varied finishes throughout the house. We played with different light fixtures, metals and textures and we believe the result is truly amazing! Basement next?