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Quarry Mill
Quarry Mill
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Bismarck Real Thin Stone Veneer Beach Home Exterior

Bismarck natural thin stone veneer from the Quarry Mill complements the blue exterior siding of this stunning luxury beach home. Bismarck is a natural thin cut limestone veneer in the ashlar style. This popular stone is a mix of two faces or parts of the limestone quarried in two different locations. By blending stones from multiple quarries, we are able to create beautiful and subtle color variations in Bismarck. Although the stone from both quarries is from the same geological formation, one quarry produces the lighter pieces and the other produces the darker pieces. Using the different faces or parts of the stone also sets this blend apart. Some pieces show the exteriors of the natural limestone slabs while others show the interior which has been split with a hydraulic press.

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rhondakeough добавил(а) это в rhondakeough's Ideas28 февраля 2021 г.

Shade of blue