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На фото: входная дверь среднего размера в скандинавском стиле с одностворчатой входной дверью и входной дверью из дерева среднего тона
Renfree Carving Studio
Renfree Carving Studio
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 4 Смотреть профиль

Belz Celtic Creation

This door was designed with the objective of universal appeal; a unique and beautiful element to sell to potential home buyers, commissioned by architect Cheri Belz in Boulder, Colorado. Raleigh Renfree chose to draw on the ancient rhythms of Celtic design, and expand those same ideas into a modern home. These Celtic knots have ubiquitous appeal because they are intrinsically recognized symbols of eternity as well as quaternary patterns found in all life and history. The closed loop of the knot has neither beginning nor end, though four distinct motions are created, which in turn create further motion. By grouping these knots into a pattern of three, Raleigh also balanced masculine and feminine elements, enriching the door’s universal appeal yet again. To harmonize the ancient heartbeat of these knot patterns with the modern flair of the architectural style of the home, Raleigh included a very skillfully inlaid pattern of slate. The geometric slate not only mirrors the curves and edges of the home’s exterior, it also tells a story of geometric creation only found through balancing the masculine with the feminine. The circle as mother, the triangle as father, and the square as child, all joined in harmony to create a flow of energy through all aspects of the self. In truly brilliant fashion, Raleigh expressed timeless knowledge harmonizing two rather diverse styles, and eased this entryway into a truly inviting and appealing “welcome home” for any buyer.