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Стильный дизайн: спальня в стиле модернизм - последний тренд
Milestone Builders
Milestone Builders
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 14 Смотреть профиль

Bedroom inspiration

This image shows a cozy bedroom with modern decor. The walls are painted in a light grey color, and the floor is covered by a white rug. In the center of the room is an inviting bed with white sheets and pillows, as well as a duvet cover in shades of brown and beige. On one side of the bed stands a nightstand with shelves for storage, topped off by an elegant lampshade. To one side of the bed there is also a studio couch upholstered in white fabric that provides additional seating space or can be used to sleep on if needed. On another wall hangs an artwork depicting cityscape views, adding some visual interest to this tranquil setting. A large window allows natural light to enter into this room while providing beautiful views outside too.