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Hummingbird Floors
Hummingbird Floors
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 19 Смотреть профиль

Alma Grove

The client had existing painted floorboards which had gaps in between the boards and was therefore really drafty. There were also old screws/nails coming up. The brief was to make the floor child proof as well as look great. We removed all the loose screws and nails, then secured the floorboards with new screws. We then covered the existing floor with plywood to close up all the gaps and to provide a level floor for the new flooring. Then we installed Hummingbird sourced herringbone flooring to provide a modern twist on a traditional look. The additional part of the job was to remove and resize several internal doors to accommodate the new increased floor height.