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Пресса и блоги Амстердам, NH, NL.

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Пресса и блоги Амстердам, NH, NL. – избранные отзывы

Пресса и блоги Амстердам, NH, NL.
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд6 июля 2015 г.
“I was thrilled when Kay allowed me to photograph her awesome home for a My Houzz feature. The place is filled with her vintage collections, including furniture, art and accessories. Kay's styling expertise was evident in every part of her house, inside and out. The spaces are full of colourful items, with surprising combinations, but everything still manages to stay clean and uncluttered. Kay is the consummate collector and stylist and it shows in every corner of her beautiful home. If you love vintage you should follow Kay’s blog to see where she is and what she has found: http://kaylovesvintage.blogspot.com/”
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