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О нас

For 20 years, our team of knowledgeable technicians have been providing customers with dependable service on the finest quality sprinkler installations, drainage solutions, and state of the art products for all repairs. Since it was founded, WaterMiser has set itself apart from the competition by keeping it simple and offering a level of trustworthiness not often found in the service industry today.

Предоставляемые услуги:

We are here for all your irrigation and drainage needs. We provide efficient and affordable sprinkler system installations, many types of repairs(Leaks, Heads, Timers, Trace and repair, adjustments and more), system openings and closings(Winterizations) and drainage(removal of any unnecessary water).

География работ:

Mercer, Middlesex and Monmouth Counties, New Jersey


We are fully licensed and recognized by the Irrigation Association of New Jersey


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Business Details

Business Name

WaterMiser - The Lawn Sprinkler Professionals

Phone Number

+1 732-970-0500


P.O. Box 487
Marlboro, NJ 07746

License Number



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