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Lava Heat Italia is your best choice for an outdoor heater (commercial and residential use). It's much different than a traditional mushroom patio heater due to it's ease of use and style. It will self ignite with it's operating system and some units even come with an infrared remote control. Performing with a much higher heating output than most comparable patio heaters, Lava Heat ranges from 56,000 to 66,000 BTU's (depending on the Lava Heat unit of choice). Built with the highest quality stainless steel, all of our Lava Heat units come with limited warranty ranging from 1,3,5, and 10 years. Also, Lava Heat heaters ship fully assembled! There's no pieces to assemble and no seams along our solid frames which reduces the time you need to set it up and improves the overall appearance. This creates stability for the unit, improving overall wind and rain resistance. All of our standard units come with installed wheels for easy transport. They can be used with either LP or converted to NG. Another important feature is our borosilicate glass tube that can handle both extreme heat and cold. The glass tube may be on a high setting for hours while withstanding rain or snow without the risk of breaking. This makes the Lava Heat safest outdoor heater to use under any type of weather.


CSA / ETL / CE Certified Products


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Business Details

Business Name

Lava Heat Italia

Phone Number

+1 310-559-1700


5999 Malburg Way
Vernon, CA 90058

Typical Job Cost

199 USD - 3 499 USD


Подписчиков: 17

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