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Свежая идея для дизайна: двор в стиле модернизм - отличное фото интерьера


屋上テラスの床、壁、天井は思いきってミモザの花の色に似た黄色にしました。ここに座ると周辺の建物がカットされ空だけが見える不思議な空間が出来ました。 建て主の方は思いっきり洗濯したシーツなどをここでほしたら気持ちがいいと言っておられました。植物の水やりなどのため給水口をつけ、軒下に何物干竿を吊るしたりするためフック金物をつけました。 The floor of the roof terrace, the wall and the ceiling were made floral yellow similar to the color of Mimosa resolutely. When I sat down here, the surrounding building was cut, and the strange space where only the sky is seen was built. The sheets which built and washed to the center to the fullest, you were saying that here was fine for stellar cod feeling. Purpose water filler hole of vegetable water doing was put, and the purpose hook hardware from which which wash-line pole is hung under the house was put?