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Ванная комната с плиткой из известняка и светлым паркетным полом – фото дизайна интерьера

Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.
Holz. Stein. Haus.
Holz. Stein. Haus.
Ein Bad zum Ruhe finden. Hier drängt sich nichts auf, alles ist harmonisch aufeinander abgestimmt.
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большой совмещенный санузел в современном стиле с плоскими фасадами, бежевыми фасадами, накладной ванной, душем в нише, инсталляцией, бежевой плиткой, плиткой из известняка, бежевыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом, душевой кабиной, монолитной раковиной, столешницей из известняка, бежевым полом, открытым душем, бежевой столешницей, тумбой под одну раковину, напольной тумбой и деревянным потолком
Rénovation complète et assemblage de 2 appartements Haussmannien
Rénovation complète et assemblage de 2 appartements Haussmannien
PF Construction 1943PF Construction 1943
Pour cet appartement Haussmannien de 240 m2, nos clients souhaitaient réunir deux appartements anciens d’un même palier, les rénover et les réaménager complètement. Les logements ne convenaient pas à leurs envies et à leurs besoins. Pour que l’appartement soit en adéquation avec le mode de vie de nos clients, nous avons repensé complètement la distribution des pièces. L’objectif était d’apporter une cohérence à l’ensemble du logement. En collaboration avec l’architecte d’intérieur, les modifications ont été décidées pour créer de nouveaux espaces de vie : • Modification de l’emplacement de la cuisine • Création d’une salle de bain supplémentaire • Création et aménagement d’un dressing
Toby Scott
Свежая идея для дизайна: ванная комната среднего размера в стиле модернизм с открытым душем, инсталляцией, серой плиткой, плиткой из известняка, серыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом и открытым душем - отличное фото интерьера
Rénovation d'une maison esprit nature - Suite Parentale - Salle de bains
Rénovation d'une maison esprit nature - Suite Parentale - Salle de bains
Le Fil Rouge - DesignLe Fil Rouge - Design
Faire rentrer le soleil dans nos intérieurs, tel est le désir de nombreuses personnes. Dans ce projet, la nature reprend ses droits, tant dans les couleurs que dans les matériaux. Nous avons réorganisé les espaces en cloisonnant de manière à toujours laisser entrer la lumière, ainsi, le jaune éclatant permet d'avoir sans cesse une pièce chaleureuse.
Oak Residence
Oak Residence
Quiet StudiosQuiet Studios
Carlos Luque
Свежая идея для дизайна: ванная комната среднего размера в средиземноморском стиле с открытыми фасадами, светлыми деревянными фасадами, белой плиткой, душевой кабиной, отдельно стоящей ванной, душем без бортиков, инсталляцией, плиткой из известняка, коричневыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом, настольной раковиной, столешницей из дерева, коричневым полом и открытым душем - отличное фото интерьера
Semi-Frameless Shower Doors
Semi-Frameless Shower Doors
Complete Interior Package, Inc.Complete Interior Package, Inc.
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: маленькая ванная комната в современном стиле с фасадами с выступающей филенкой, бежевыми фасадами, душем в нише, раздельным унитазом, бежевой плиткой, плиткой из известняка, светлым паркетным полом, душевой кабиной, подвесной раковиной, столешницей из искусственного кварца, бежевым полом и душем с раздвижными дверями для на участке и в саду
Le Ciel, Model Home 2
Le Ciel, Model Home 2
Residences at MercatoResidences at Mercato
Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большая главная ванная комната в современном стиле с фасадами с утопленной филенкой, бежевыми фасадами, накладной ванной, угловым душем, бежевой плиткой, плиткой из известняка, серыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом, накладной раковиной, столешницей из гранита, бежевым полом, душем с распашными дверями и разноцветной столешницей
JK ArchitektenJK Architekten
На фото: ванная комната в современном стиле с подвесной тумбой, накладной ванной, бежевой плиткой, плиткой из известняка, белыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом, настольной раковиной, столешницей из дерева, шторкой для ванной и тумбой под одну раковину с
Toby Scott
На фото: ванная комната среднего размера в стиле модернизм с открытым душем, инсталляцией, серой плиткой, плиткой из известняка, серыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом и открытым душем с
Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.
Salle d'eau d'une maison à l'Est de Rennes
Salle d'eau d'une maison à l'Est de Rennes
Kevin BerhaultKevin Berhault
Porte coulissante de la salle d'eau
Пример оригинального дизайна: главная ванная комната среднего размера в современном стиле с фасадами с декоративным кантом, черными фасадами, душем в нише, белой плиткой, плиткой из известняка, синими стенами, светлым паркетным полом, врезной раковиной, столешницей из искусственного кварца, душем с раздвижными дверями, белой столешницей, тумбой под две раковины и встроенной тумбой
Aus Keller wird Wellness, Gästezimmer, Sauna und Dusche
Aus Keller wird Wellness, Gästezimmer, Sauna und Dusche
Der Kellerraum (40 qm) wurde beim Bau vorgesehen zum Einbau einer Sauna mit Dusche und Gästeschlafsofa, Fernseher. Jetzt ist es soweit, die Wände und der Boden sind mit Weißtanne sägerau belegt, die Fenster ausgetauscht, die Dusche und der Waschtisch eingebaut, das Licht installiert, fehlt nur noch die Sauna und die Möbel...
Villa al Golf
Villa al Golf
PROGETTANDO architettiPROGETTANDO architetti
Пример оригинального дизайна: ванная комната в современном стиле с душем без бортиков, инсталляцией, бежевой плиткой, плиткой из известняка, белыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом, настольной раковиной, столешницей из дерева, душем с распашными дверями и серой столешницей
Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.
Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.
Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.
Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.
Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.
Luxury Spa - Sauna
Luxury Spa - Sauna
TBS Construction Inc.TBS Construction Inc.
Woodside, CA spa-sauna project is one of our favorites. From the very first moment we realized that meeting customers expectations would be very challenging due to limited timeline but worth of trying at the same time. It was one of the most intense projects which also was full of excitement as we were sure that final results would be exquisite and would make everyone happy. This sauna was designed and built from the ground up by TBS Construction's team. Goal was creating luxury spa like sauna which would be a personal in-house getaway for relaxation. Result is exceptional. We managed to meet the timeline, deliver quality and make homeowner happy. TBS Construction is proud being a creator of Atherton Luxury Spa-Sauna.

Ванная комната с плиткой из известняка и светлым паркетным полом – фото дизайна интерьера