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Стильный дизайн: большой, трехэтажный, бежевый таунхаус в стиле модернизм с плоской крышей и зеленой крышей - последний тренд
Michael K Chen Architecture
Michael K Chen Architecture
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд1 отзывСмотреть профиль

Upper East Side Townhouse

The garden facade is glazed terra cotta and aluminum, and features a vertical garden. The terrace leads directly to the kitchen, and the garden is planted with shade loving ferns, mosses, and sedge grasses. The roof terrace at top extends across the entire building. Winner of both the Residential Architecture award and the R&D Award from Architect Magazine, the journal of the AIA. Photo by Alan Tansey. Architecture and Interior Design by MKCA.