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Medina Exteriors & Remodeling
Medina Exteriors & Remodeling
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 46 Смотреть профиль

The King Needs His Throne

Like many other homeowners, the Moore’s were looking to remove their non used soaker tub and optimize their bathroom to better suit their needs. We achieved this for them be removing the tub and increasing their vanity wall area with a tall matching linen cabinet for storage. This still left a nice space for Mr. to have his sitting area, which was important to him. Their bathroom prior to remodeling had a small and enclosed fiberglass shower stall with the toilet in front. We relocated the toilet, where a linen closet used to be, and made its own room for it. Also, we increased the depth of the shower and made it tile to give them a more spacious space with a half wall and glass hinged door.