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Стильный дизайн: большой участок и сад на переднем дворе в современном стиле с полуденной тенью, подъездной дорогой и мощением тротуарной плиткой - последний тренд
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 47 Смотреть профиль

Side Yard Overview

This project was completed in conjunction with the construction of the home. The home’s architect was looking for someone who could design and build a new driveway, front entrance, walkways, patio, fencing, and plantings. The gardens were designed for the homeowner who had a real appreciation for gardening and was looking for variety and colour. The plants are all perennials that are relatively low maintenance while offering a wide variety of colours, heights, shapes and textures. For the hardscape, we used a Mondrian slab interlock for the main features and added a natural stone border for architectural detail.