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На фото: маленькая ванная комната в классическом стиле с унитазом-моноблоком, красными стенами, душевой кабиной, раковиной с пьедесталом и коричневым полом для на участке и в саду с
H.J. Martin and Son
H.J. Martin and Son
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 117 Смотреть профиль

Remodeled riverfront home

Floor tile: Angora Keaton Carbon floor tile; Photo: Mary Santaga We took the home owners love of classic design incorporated with unexpected rich color to create a casual yet sophisticated home. Vibrant color was used to inspire energy in some rooms, while peaceful watery tones were used in others to evoke calm and tranquility. The master bathroom color pallet and overall aesthetic was designed to be reminiscent of suite bathrooms at the Trump Towers in Chicago. Materials, patterns and textures are all simple and clean in keeping with the scale and openness of the rest of the home. While detail and interest was added with hardware, accessories and lighting by incorporating shine and sparkle with masculine flair.