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Paxton Place Design
Paxton Place Design
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 13 Смотреть профиль

Ranch Renovation - Powder Bathroom

Upon walking into this powder bathroom, you are met with a delicate patterned wallpaper installed above blue bead board wainscoting. The angled walls and ceiling covered in the same wallpaper making the space feel larger. The reclaimed brick flooring balances out the small print wallpaper. A wall-mounted white porcelain sink is paired with a brushed brass bridge faucet, complete with hot and cold symbols on the handles. To finish the space out we installed an antique mirror with an attached basket that acts as storage in this quaint powder bathroom.
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J D добавил(а) это в Bathroom Reno31 октября 2024 г.
