Прачечная с с полувстраиваемой мойкой (с передним бортиком) и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера
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The client wanted a spare room off the kitchen transformed into a bright and functional laundry room with custom designed millwork, cabinetry, doors, and plenty of counter space. All this while respecting her preference for French-Country styling and traditional decorative elements. She also wanted to add functional storage with space to air dry her clothes and a hide-away ironing board. We brightened it up with the off-white millwork, ship lapped ceiling and the gorgeous beadboard. We imported from Scotland the delicate lace for the custom curtains on the doors and cabinets. The custom Quartzite countertop covers the washer and dryer and was also designed into the cabinetry wall on the other side. This fabulous laundry room is well outfitted with integrated appliances, custom cabinets, and a lot of storage with extra room for sorting and folding clothes. A pure pleasure!
Materials used:
Taj Mahal Quartzite stone countertops, Custom wood cabinetry lacquered with antique finish, Heated white-oak wood floor, apron-front porcelain utility sink, antique vintage glass pendant lighting, Lace imported from Scotland for doors and cabinets, French doors and sidelights with beveled glass, beadboard on walls and for open shelving, shiplap ceilings with recessed lighting.

Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: прачечная с с полувстраиваемой мойкой (с передним бортиком), фасадами в стиле шейкер, столешницей из кварцевого агломерата, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, белой столешницей и потолком из вагонки

Идея дизайна: большая отдельная, п-образная прачечная в классическом стиле с с полувстраиваемой мойкой (с передним бортиком), фасадами с выступающей филенкой, серыми фасадами, столешницей из акрилового камня, фартуком из вагонки, бежевыми стенами, полом из терракотовой плитки, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, оранжевым полом, черной столешницей, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки

This expansive laundry room features 3 sets of washers and dryers and custom Plain & Fancy inset cabinetry. It includes a farmhouse sink, tons of folding space and 2 large storage cabinets for laundry and kitchen supplies.

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.

Стильный дизайн: прачечная в стиле неоклассика (современная классика) с с полувстраиваемой мойкой (с передним бортиком), фасадами в стиле шейкер, белыми фасадами, столешницей из кварцевого агломерата, белым фартуком, фартуком из керамогранитной плитки, белыми стенами, полом из сланца, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, серым полом, белой столешницей и потолком из вагонки - последний тренд

На фото: маленькая отдельная, угловая прачечная в стиле кантри с с полувстраиваемой мойкой (с передним бортиком), фасадами в стиле шейкер, серыми фасадами, гранитной столешницей, черным фартуком, фартуком из каменной плиты, белыми стенами, светлым паркетным полом, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, черной столешницей и потолком из вагонки для на участке и в саду

The client wanted a spare room off the kitchen transformed into a bright and functional laundry room with custom designed millwork, cabinetry, doors, and plenty of counter space. All this while respecting her preference for French-Country styling and traditional decorative elements. She also wanted to add functional storage with space to air dry her clothes and a hide-away ironing board. We brightened it up with the off-white millwork, ship lapped ceiling and the gorgeous beadboard. We imported from Scotland the delicate lace for the custom curtains on the doors and cabinets. The custom Quartzite countertop covers the washer and dryer and was also designed into the cabinetry wall on the other side. This fabulous laundry room is well outfitted with integrated appliances, custom cabinets, and a lot of storage with extra room for sorting and folding clothes. A pure pleasure!
Materials used:
Taj Mahal Quartzite stone countertops, Custom wood cabinetry lacquered with antique finish, Heated white-oak wood floor, apron-front porcelain utility sink, antique vintage glass pendant lighting, Lace imported from Scotland for doors and cabinets, French doors and sidelights with beveled glass, beadboard on walls and for open shelving, shiplap ceilings with recessed lighting.

The client wanted a spare room off the kitchen transformed into a bright and functional laundry room with custom designed millwork, cabinetry, doors, and plenty of counter space. All this while respecting her preference for French-Country styling and traditional decorative elements. She also wanted to add functional storage with space to air dry her clothes and a hide-away ironing board. We brightened it up with the off-white millwork, ship lapped ceiling and the gorgeous beadboard. We imported from Scotland the delicate lace for the custom curtains on the doors and cabinets. The custom Quartzite countertop covers the washer and dryer and was also designed into the cabinetry wall on the other side. This fabulous laundry room is well outfitted with integrated appliances, custom cabinets, and a lot of storage with extra room for sorting and folding clothes. A pure pleasure!
Materials used:
Taj Mahal Quartzite stone countertops, Custom wood cabinetry lacquered with antique finish, Heated white-oak wood floor, apron-front porcelain utility sink, antique vintage glass pendant lighting, Lace imported from Scotland for doors and cabinets, French doors and sidelights with beveled glass, beadboard on walls and for open shelving, shiplap ceilings with recessed lighting.

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A farmhouse sink is used and adds a classic warm farmhouse touch to the room. Undercabinet lighting helps to illuminate the task areas for better visibility

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.

Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большая отдельная прачечная в современном стиле с с полувстраиваемой мойкой (с передним бортиком), плоскими фасадами, серыми фасадами, гранитной столешницей, бежевым фартуком, фартуком из вагонки, бежевыми стенами, полом из терракотовой плитки, со стиральной и сушильной машиной рядом, черной столешницей, потолком из вагонки и стенами из вагонки

The client wanted a spare room off the kitchen transformed into a bright and functional laundry room with custom designed millwork, cabinetry, doors, and plenty of counter space. All this while respecting her preference for French-Country styling and traditional decorative elements. She also wanted to add functional storage with space to air dry her clothes and a hide-away ironing board. We brightened it up with the off-white millwork, ship lapped ceiling and the gorgeous beadboard. We imported from Scotland the delicate lace for the custom curtains on the doors and cabinets. The custom Quartzite countertop covers the washer and dryer and was also designed into the cabinetry wall on the other side. This fabulous laundry room is well outfitted with integrated appliances, custom cabinets, and a lot of storage with extra room for sorting and folding clothes. A pure pleasure!
Materials used:
Taj Mahal Quartzite stone countertops, Custom wood cabinetry lacquered with antique finish, Heated white-oak wood floor, apron-front porcelain utility sink, antique vintage glass pendant lighting, Lace imported from Scotland for doors and cabinets, French doors and sidelights with beveled glass, beadboard on walls and for open shelving, shiplap ceilings with recessed lighting.

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A farmhouse sink is used and adds a classic warm farmhouse touch to the room. Undercabinet lighting helps to illuminate the task areas for better visibility

A soft seafoam green is used in this Woodways laundry room. This helps to connect the cabinetry to the flooring as well as add a simple element of color into the more neutral space. A built in unit for the washer and dryer allows for basket storage below for easy transfer of laundry. A small counter at the end of the wall serves as an area for folding and hanging clothes when needed.

The client wanted a spare room off the kitchen transformed into a bright and functional laundry room with custom designed millwork, cabinetry, doors, and plenty of counter space. All this while respecting her preference for French-Country styling and traditional decorative elements. She also wanted to add functional storage with space to air dry her clothes and a hide-away ironing board. We brightened it up with the off-white millwork, ship lapped ceiling and the gorgeous beadboard. We imported from Scotland the delicate lace for the custom curtains on the doors and cabinets. The custom Quartzite countertop covers the washer and dryer and was also designed into the cabinetry wall on the other side. This fabulous laundry room is well outfitted with integrated appliances, custom cabinets, and a lot of storage with extra room for sorting and folding clothes. A pure pleasure!
Materials used:
Taj Mahal Quartzite stone countertops, Custom wood cabinetry lacquered with antique finish, Heated white-oak wood floor, apron-front porcelain utility sink, antique vintage glass pendant lighting, Lace imported from Scotland for doors and cabinets, French doors and sidelights with beveled glass, beadboard on walls and for open shelving, shiplap ceilings with recessed lighting.

The client wanted a spare room off the kitchen transformed into a bright and functional laundry room with custom designed millwork, cabinetry, doors, and plenty of counter space. All this while respecting her preference for French-Country styling and traditional decorative elements. She also wanted to add functional storage with space to air dry her clothes and a hide-away ironing board. We brightened it up with the off-white millwork, ship lapped ceiling and the gorgeous beadboard. We imported from Scotland the delicate lace for the custom curtains on the doors and cabinets. The custom Quartzite countertop covers the washer and dryer and was also designed into the cabinetry wall on the other side. This fabulous laundry room is well outfitted with integrated appliances, custom cabinets, and a lot of storage with extra room for sorting and folding clothes. A pure pleasure!
Materials used:
Taj Mahal Quartzite stone countertops, Custom wood cabinetry lacquered with antique finish, Heated white-oak wood floor, apron-front porcelain utility sink, antique vintage glass pendant lighting, Lace imported from Scotland for doors and cabinets, French doors and sidelights with beveled glass, beadboard on walls and for open shelving, shiplap ceilings with recessed lighting.

This expansive laundry room features 3 sets of washers and dryers and custom Plain & Fancy inset cabinetry. It includes a farmhouse sink, tons of folding space and 2 large storage cabinets for laundry and kitchen supplies.

This expansive laundry room features 3 sets of washers and dryers and custom Plain & Fancy inset cabinetry. It includes a farmhouse sink, tons of folding space and 2 large storage cabinets for laundry and kitchen supplies.
Прачечная с с полувстраиваемой мойкой (с передним бортиком) и потолком из вагонки – фото дизайна интерьера

The client wanted a spare room off the kitchen transformed into a bright and functional laundry room with custom designed millwork, cabinetry, doors, and plenty of counter space. All this while respecting her preference for French-Country styling and traditional decorative elements. She also wanted to add functional storage with space to air dry her clothes and a hide-away ironing board. We brightened it up with the off-white millwork, ship lapped ceiling and the gorgeous beadboard. We imported from Scotland the delicate lace for the custom curtains on the doors and cabinets. The custom Quartzite countertop covers the washer and dryer and was also designed into the cabinetry wall on the other side. This fabulous laundry room is well outfitted with integrated appliances, custom cabinets, and a lot of storage with extra room for sorting and folding clothes. A pure pleasure!
Materials used:
Taj Mahal Quartzite stone countertops, Custom wood cabinetry lacquered with antique finish, Heated white-oak wood floor, apron-front porcelain utility sink, antique vintage glass pendant lighting, Lace imported from Scotland for doors and cabinets, French doors and sidelights with beveled glass, beadboard on walls and for open shelving, shiplap ceilings with recessed lighting.