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Пример оригинального дизайна: тенистый садовый фонтан на заднем дворе в современном стиле
Wagner Hodgson
Wagner Hodgson
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 11 Смотреть профиль

Mountain Lodge

Situated on a 100 acre site, this landscape for a private residence draws it's inspiration from the classic mountain lodges of the northeast. Rich sweeping drifts of native perennials, grasses and shrubs create a relaxed, elegant composition that ground the home and define a variety of spaces for family gathering, entertaining and quiet reflection. Large caliper trees were planted to compliment the surrounding mature trees, providing a sense of permanence and timelessness. An existing pond was augmented and expanded for swimming with a 'diving rock' hand selected and perched at one end. The south-facing terrace is defined by large slabs of stone and a grand outdoor fireplace that gives way to views of the neighboring ski trails. Photo Credit: Westphalen Photography

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Lisa Genyk добавил(а) это в Highlands Not So Big House14 часов назад

back outdoor living space to be "styled into" natural wooded area, no grass