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На фото: коридор в средиземноморском стиле с белыми стенами и полом из керамогранита
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Mosaix Maison

Photo Credit: Target Studios Italy This Italian porcelain mosaic tile - terra cotta with blue and white detailing - is based on old hand-painted Italian cotto designs. It is screen-printed by hand so that each piece has its own unique character. Interior wall and floor tiles suitable as accents or by itself in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms or bedrooms. Tileshop 1005 Harrison Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Tileshop 480 E. Brokaw Road San Jose, CA 95112 Tileshop 16216 Raymer Street Van Nuys, CA 91406 Other California Locations: Berkeley and San Jose and Van Nuys (Los Angeles)
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Lynda Wright добавил(а) это в Donna’s House28 июля 2022 г.

Hanging ladder