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На фото: спальня в стиле ретро с серыми стенами без камина с
Tom Bassett-Dilley Architect, Ltd.
Tom Bassett-Dilley Architect, Ltd.
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 8 Смотреть профиль

Midcentury Modern Reborn

This 1960 house was in need of updating from both design and performance standpoints, and the project turned into a comprehensive deep energy retrofit, with thorough airtightness and insulation, new space conditioning and energy-recovery-ventilation, triple glazed windows, and an interior of incredible elegance. While we maintained the foundation and overall massing, this is essentially a new house, well equipped for a new generation of use and enjoyment.

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jmometc добавил(а) это в guest bedroom21 августа 2024 г.

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