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Pinnacle Design & Remodeling
Pinnacle Design & Remodeling
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 24 Смотреть профиль

Maple Grove En Suite

These clients had the project underway when they realized they needed some additional help. They had a great start on demo and selections but were at a standstill on what direction they wanted to go and were questioning if what they were gravitating towards really looked good. They had their own contractor, so we skipped the contractor bid phase and went straight into design development. We came in and confirmed some choices and proposed some new ones. Even though it was at a smaller capacity than most clients, we helped their lake home en suite come to life and saved the a lot of money at the same time! Photographer- Chris Holden Photos

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DebRo Farms добавил(а) это в My Project9 января 2024 г.
