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Cummings Architecture + Interiors
Cummings Architecture + Interiors
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 40 Смотреть профиль

Knowlton House

The Abraham Knowlton House (c. 1725) was nearly demolished to make room for the expansion of a nearby commercial building. Thankfully, this historic home was saved from that fate after surviving a long, drawn out battle. When we began the project, the building was in a lamentable state of disrepair due to long-term neglect. Before we could begin on the restoration and renovation of the house proper, we needed to raise the entire structure in order to repair and fortify the foundation. The design project was substantial, involving the transformation of this historic house into beautiful and yet highly functional condominiums. The final design brought this home back to its original, stately appearance while giving it a new lease on life as a home for multiple families. Winner, 2003 Mary P. Conley Award for historic home restoration and preservation Photo Credit: Cynthia August

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siderealfeyn добавил(а) это в House ideas7 апреля 2021 г.

Exterior ideas