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Стильный дизайн: кухня в стиле рустика - последний тренд
Mowlem & Co
Mowlem & Co
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Kin by Mowlem & Co

Kin by Mowlem is an exciting new kid on the kitchen block. Designed and made to the renowned Mowlem & Co standards, it offers all the elegance and quality of the original ‘couture’ brand in two cost-effective ‘off-the-peg’ versions: Framed Shaker and Unframed Shaker. Set sizes supplied in a primed finsh via a simple online ordering system allow customers on more modest budgets to access all the Mowlem panache at an understated price tag. By working from a blank canvas of cabinets, customers can finish their kitchens as preferred and directly source contractors,materials and appliances to manage costs as needed.
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Sinead OToole добавил(а) это в Sinead's Ideas20 мая 2021 г.

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