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Стильный дизайн: кухня в стиле модернизм - последний тренд
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 4 Смотреть профиль

Holiday Home Project

? The clients knew from the outset that they wanted a Poggenpohl kitchen with Miele appliances. They specifically asked Shaun to create a layout that was unique and different to the norm. They required a good work space and handless within the concept and practical working layouts perching within the space with a table for 8. It was important to our clients that the design embodied softness ie, heavy emphasis on curves as opposed to straight edges. Shaun was given free reign in terms of colours, textures, materials and layout. Our clients and Shaun then discussed and later implemented a separate coffee/bar area and chose to have this in relating to the table area whist keeping a specific onus to the table area. Ie, the coffee/bar area is a served entertainment area. Finally zoned lighting was created which dimmed and highlighted the key features of the kitchen including handless rails. In addition, a utility room was also designed and installed which has similar finishes to the kitchen and led by practicality. Key features- elevated laundry equipment (eye level) and a large sink with adequate work space. Photography: Shaun Dunbar

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