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Свежая идея для дизайна: тенистый участок и сад на боковом дворе в современном стиле с садовой дорожкой или калиткой - отличное фото интерьера
Green Care Project
Green Care Project
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 6 Смотреть профиль


An urban oasis blends indoor and outdoor living, grounded within a diverse landscape. In this inner-city home, we sought to defy the boundaries of the urban context, using landscape at every opportunity to cultivate a sense of privacy, seclusion, and comfort for our clients. At every point of the site, greenery interacts with the house - vines climbing columns, groundcovers cascading over walls, the dense foliage of screening trees brushing through battens - to soften architectural lines and blur the connection of indoor and outdoor spaces. The immersion is enhanced with intimate tactile interactions, the textural contrast of smooth stepping stone pathways, soft foliage, and pebbles. Integrated seating invites rest within the greenery, under the filtered sunlight. Stepping through the gardens we experience a shift from a sunny coastal heath to a deep layered subtropical alcove. This shift in palette is responsive to the microclimatic conditions of the site, and further complements the architectural transition from public to private spaces.