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На фото: маленький, одноэтажный частный загородный дом в стиле модернизм с облицовкой из ЦСП, двускатной крышей и крышей из гибкой черепицы для на участке и в саду с
Maria Aureli
Maria Aureli
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 9 Смотреть профиль

Guest Studio

The challenge was to create a modern, minimalist structure that did not interfere with the natural setting but rather seemed nestled in and part of the landscape while blurring the lines between interior and exterior spaces. Special Features and Details: • wood floor, ceiling and exterior deck all run in the same direction drawing the eye toward the water view below • valence encompassing the living space aligns with the face of the loft floor and conceals window shades and uplighting. • pocket doors are flush with the ceiling adding to the feeling of one room flowing into the other when the doors are open • ample storage tucks into the walls unobtrusively • baseboards are set in, flush with the walls separated by a channel detail. • deck appears to float, creating a sense of weightlessness. This detail repeats at the bedside tables and bathroom vanity • obscured glass window in shower provides light and privacy