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Mez Works Furniture
Mez Works Furniture
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Expandable 'Blend' Walnut and Steel Dining Table // Wood-Capped Steel Legs

Our expandable ‘Blend’ table features wood-capped steel legs and (optional) removable leaf extensions. This design is customizable in a variety of ways including wood species and material grade, steel finish, and width of the legs. Only one item in stock and it’s ON SALE! Please visit following link for details: https://www.mezworks.com/sale/the-blend-dining-table-sale-2 For additional photos of the non-expandable version of this design, please follow this link: https://www.mezworks.com/store/blend-dining-table-05 For photos of the wide-set leg version of this design, please follow this link: https://www.mezworks.com/store/blend-dining-table-02