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Идея дизайна: большой изолированный домашний кинотеатр в классическом стиле с синими стенами, ковровым покрытием и проектором
Marc Pridmore Designs
Marc Pridmore Designs
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд1 отзывСмотреть профиль

Custom Home Theater / Costa Mesa Showroom

This home theater has been created in the Marc Pridmore Designs Showroom in Costa Mesa, CA to display the capabilities of turning any room into a home theater. This 15 x 17 space was simply white walls and commercial tile ceilings with tracklighting prior to it's conception. The carpet, faux finished walls, wall paneling, coffered ceiling, custom made velvet auto reclining theater chairs and fully automated austrian shades and were all built into this room. Not one part of this home theater is an original part of the room.