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На фото: открытая гостиная комната среднего размера в современном стиле с печью-буржуйкой, фасадом камина из штукатурки, телевизором на стене и сводчатым потолком с
Exact Architectural Glazing
Exact Architectural Glazing
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 14 Смотреть профиль

Crowning glory at New Malden

Last year we completed on a rear extension project in New Malden, where we incorporated 9 architectural glazing elements into the new L-shaped kitchen, dining and lounge area; 2 sets of sliding doors, 2 roof installations, 1 glazed gable and 4 windows. We were recently back on site to see how life with this gorgeous new extension was going and couldn’t resist taking some more photos. You can read the full case study on our website.

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Andrew Prophet добавил(а) это в House changes25 февраля 2022 г.

Height creating open feel - possible down the side opening to back garden