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Peter Q Brown Innovative Design
Peter Q Brown Innovative Design
Средний рейтинг: 5 из 5 звездОтзывов: 49 Смотреть профиль

Bozeman Second Story Addition and New Kitchen

This kitchen addition project is an expansion of an old story and a half South Bozeman home. See the video about the finished project here: https://youtu.be/ClH5A3qs6Ik This old house has been remodeled and added onto many times over. A complete demolition and rebuild of this structure would be the best course of action, but we are in a historic neighborhood and we will be working with it as is. Budget is an issue as well, so in addition to the second story addition, we are limiting our renovation efforts to the kitchen and bathroom areas at the back the house. We are making a concerted effort to not get into too much of the existing front half of this house. This is precisely the type of remodeling work that requires a very skilled and experienced builder. And I emphasize experienced. We are lucky to be working with Luke Stahlberg of Ibex Builders. Luke is a talented local Bozeman contractor with years of experience in the remodeling industry. Luke is very methodical and well organized. This is a classic remodeling project with enough detail to really test a contractor’s skill and experience.

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Island Hollow добавил(а) это в My Project25 апреля 2024 г.

butcher block green cabinets