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Источник вдохновения для домашнего уюта: большой, серый дом в стиле кантри с двускатной крышей
Средний рейтинг: 3.7 из 5 звездОтзывов: 23 Смотреть профиль


The owner’s goal was to create a lifetime family home using salvaged materials from an antique farmhouse and barn that had stood on another portion of the site. The timber roof structure, as well as interior wood cladding, and interior doors were salvaged from that house, while sustainable new materials (Maine cedar, hemlock timber and steel) and salvaged cabinetry and fixtures from a mid-century-modern teardown were interwoven to create a modern house with a strong connection to the past. Integrity® Wood-Ultrex® windows and doors were a perfect fit for this project. Integrity provided the only combination of a durable, thermally efficient exterior frame combined with a true wood interior.
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Dolly Marcarelli добавил(а) это в Portland M2 августа 2024 г.
