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Свежая идея для дизайна: двухэтажный, коричневый частный загородный дом в современном стиле с двускатной крышей, облицовкой из камня и серой крышей - отличное фото интерьера
Studio J Architects
Studio J Architects
Средний рейтинг: 4.9 из 5 звездОтзывов: 35 Смотреть профиль


The property was originally a bungalow that had had a loft conversion with 2 bedrooms squeezed in and poor access. The ground floor layout was dated and not functional for how the client wanted to live. In order to convert the bungalow into a true 2 storey house, we raised the roof and created a new stair and landing / hallway. This allowed the property to have 3 large bedrooms and 2 bathrooms plus an open study area on the first floor. To the ground floor we created a open plan kitchen-dining-living room, a separate snug, utility, WC and further bedroom with en-suite.
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Badrak Design Group, Inc. добавил(а) это в Kingston1 августа 2024 г.

Alternate siding feel ... this is a little modern for our project