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where can I find these block coffee tables? Thank you

Michelle Neels Interior Design
Год(а)/Лет назад: 10
Cartoloji map-art pillows · Еще

Комментарии: 4

  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 10
    They are from a store called Dwelling in Manayunk, Philadelphia.
  • PRO
    Michelle Neels Interior Design
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 10
    Appreciate the information. Have a great day...
  • Cindy Coutré
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 9

    They probably don't have them anymore because I don't see them on the website but can you tell me if they are hollow and open on the opposite end? I have a friend who is a wood carver and can make these for me. Just curious how yours are designed.

  • PRO
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 9

    Hi Cindy, Yes they are hollow on the opposite end. Hope that helps!