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Is this a current representation of Bradford Hall?

A B Smith
Год(а)/Лет назад: 2
This photo appears much lighter (or less brown showing through) than what I’ve seen in person, has more white or coating been added to the brick?
Bradford Hall Tudor Brick Home - North Carolina · Еще

Комментарии: 1

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    General Shale
    Год(а)/Лет назад: 2

    Hi and thanks for your question. It's not been reported that Bradford Hall has any noticeable changes in current runs. That being said, each run of any brick is different (which is why we ID brick runs) and can look somewhat different from run-to-run. Also, mortar selection as well as lighting can impact how a brick appears - especially white-tone brick. All that being said, I am happy to share additional photos of Bradford Hall Tudor. You can request photos at marketing@generalshale.com

    A B Smith поблагодарил(а): General Shale